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Summer has always wanted to be an actress. She fell in love with movies and their ability to change the reality of the person watching for a small moment in time. Summer loved the idea of studying others to portray different people. She did a few productions in elementary school, but didn't find her way back to acting until her sophomore year in college at Colorado State University, when she auditioned for her first musical, WILL ROGER'S FOLLIES. Cast as one of the Will Roger's Follies, she found her love for the stage and acting again. She has worked in many regional theatres in Denver and Los Angeles and TV/Film in Denver, Los Angeles and New York. Some of her favorite jobs have been being core background, working three seasons for the hit shows Orange is the New Black and Gotham. She is currently taking class, working on small progjects, creating and seeking representation. 

Summer Dion/Resume, click here


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